Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Go Back

YES!!! I can't wait to Live Those Songs Again!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Kenny Chesney is back! He has ended his hiatus and will be playing this summer at Gillette! And Josh and I will be there, sitting front and center, to hear my all time favorite singer put on the show of the year. As if the show couldn't get any better, this year, Zac Brown Band will be joining the tour. I'm in heaven.

I have seen Kenny numerous times over the years in a few different cities. His shows are unbelievable, his guests are always the best of the best in country music, and it is not summer until he has rocked an entire football stadium for 2 solid hours. Kenny concerts are an event, something to look forward to, and definitely not to be missed.

I can't wait to sing my heart out, dance like a maniac, enjoy every second of the show, and most importantly, share it all with Josh. This year will mark his first (and not last!) Kenny show. And don't let him fool you; he is almost as excited as I am.

Knowing that in a few short months I will be in Foxboro, hearing my favorite music, surrounded by friends and fun will definitely help me to get through the cold winter months. And so, all I can say is: Let the countdown begin :)

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