Monday, January 17, 2011

Challah 2 Ways

One of my favorite parts about having a quiet Shabbat dinner, just the two of us, is that no matter how hard Josh and I try to eat as much challah as we can, there are always left overs.

This Friday night was no exception. After indulging in all of the yummy challah we could handle, we still had a ton left over. Actually, the perfect amount to make a delicious batch of french toast for breakfast in the morning.

For once, I took the lead in making a meal...mostly because Josh was a french toast making novice and I had a lot of experience watching my mom make it. Oh yeah, and making french toast is so easy, even I could handle it.

First I got all of my ingredients together and ready to go.

Then I worked on making the batter. Easy as pie!

Then I went work making the actual french toast.

Not too shabby for the souse-chef. 

A delicious way to use up the challah left overs and have a good hearty breakfast. I have to admit, I'm not sure which of the 2 ways is my favorite to eat challah.


  1. I love challah bread and it makes wonderful French toast! Yours looks perfectly cooked and totally tempting. I may have to pick up some challah at the store later...

  2. I love challah...and it is the perfect bread for French toast! YUM!

  3. Thanks @stephanie and @lizzy. It was really fun to make and even more fun to eat! Hope yours comes out well too.

  4. I LOVE challah french toast! It never ceases to amaze!
